
Oracle 12c OCP 1Z0-062: Installation and Administration

Staying up to date with tests is critical for any IT guru. By taking the Oracle 1Z0-062 certification exam, you will be well on your way towards becoming an Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administrator Professional.


With internship




Without internship



this course includes

19 Training Hours

51 On-demand Videos

Closed Captions

14 Topics

59 Prep Questions

78 Hours of training

What you’ll


Database Concepts And Tools


Memory Structure






Constraints And Triggers




Internal Structures


Starting Up and Shutting Down Database


Critical Storage Files


Data Manipulation Language


Data Concurrency


BackUp And Recovery




Course Review

Keeping your exams current is important to any IT professional. The Oracle 1Z0-062 certification exam will prepare you for your Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administrator Professional certification with ease.

Keeping your exams current is important to any IT professional. The Oracle 1Z0-062 certification exam will prepare you for your Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administrator Professional certification with ease.

Ready to take your Oracle skills to the next level? Look no further! This intermediate training covers exactly what you need for success on the 1Z0-071 and 1Z0-072 exams, which are necessary steps towards achieving that coveted Oracle Database 12c R2 Administration Certified Associate certification.


Database Concepts And Tools

Instructor And Course Introduction
Database Concepts And Tools - Part 1
Database Concepts And Tools - Part 2

Memory Structure

Memory Structure - Part 1
Memory Structure - Part 2


Tables - Part 1
Tables - Part 2


Indexes - Part 1
Indexes - Part 2

Constraints And Triggers



Internal Structures

Storage Structures - Part 1
Storage Structures - Part 2
Internal Memory Structures - Part 1
Internal Memory Structures - Part 2
Background Processes - Part 1
Background Processes - Part 2

Starting Up and Shutting Down Database

Starting And Stopping DataBase - Part 1
Starting And Stopping DataBase - Part 2

Critical Storage Files

Critical Storage Files - Part 1
Critical Storage Files - Part 2

Data Manipulation Language

DML Atomicity - Part 1
DML Atomicity - Part 2
DML Insert
DML Update - Part 1
DML Update - Part 2
DML Delete And Review Of DML Statements - Part 1
DML Delete And Review Of DML Statements - Part 2

Data Concurrency

Data Concurrency - Part 1
Data Concurrency - Part 2

BackUp And Recovery

Back Up - Part 1
Back Up - Part 2
Back Up - Part 3
RMAN Catalog
RMAN BackUps - Part 1
RMAN BackUps - Part 2
Disaster Preparedness
Flashback Recovery


Installation - Part 1
Installation - Part 2

Course Review

Course Review - Part 1
Course Review - Part 2
Course Review - Part 3
Course Review - Part 4
Course Review - Part 5
Course Outro

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Our Talents Work Here

Our talentstories

We connect learners with peers and experts from around the world, facilitating networking and collaboration opportunities.

IBT Training's DevOps course provided a comprehensive and insightful learning experience with valuable hands-on exercises. While the internship placement was beneficial, additional guidance could enhance the overall transition. Overall, IBT Training lays a solid foundation for entering the DevOps field.

Olaniyan Olatunde Kubernetes Admin, Microsoft

Enrolling in this course proved career-defining, offering invaluable knowledge and a guaranteed internship. It set me on a path to success, delivering everything promised—free certification, ongoing learning, and the ability to pass my sec+ on the first try.

Solomon Awuku Cybersecurity Analyst, Tek Computers

Upon completing the class, I felt confident and prepared to embark on a career in cybersecurity. The skills and knowledge I acquired have already proven invaluable, as I find myself better equipped to tackle real-world challenges and contribute to the protection of digital assets.


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Your Questions, Answered

I see that this course is based on an older version of Oracle, is it still relevant?

Absolutely! Even though the Oracle 12c OCP 1Z0-062: Installation and Administration course is based on an older version, it remains a valuable resource for both education and training. The fundamentals you’ll learn here are still very much applicable.

What exactly is this Oracle 12c OCP 1Z0-062: Installation and Administration course about?

This course is designed to prepare you for the Oracle 1Z0-062 certification exam, which will set you on the path to becoming an Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administrator Professional. It’s all about keeping your Oracle skills sharp and up-to-date, which is essential for any IT professional.

How many hours of training does this course offer?

The course provides 19 hours of training material. It’s packed with 51 videos, covers 14 different topics, and even includes 59 practice questions to test your knowledge and ensure you’re ready for the certification exam.

Is this course appropriate for someone already confident with SQL? Definitely! If you’re already comfortable with SQL, this Oracle skills training should be a bre

Definitely! If you’re already comfortable with SQL, this Oracle skills training should be a breeze for you. It will help you level up your skills and you’ll have no problem using Oracle databases after completing the course

Will this course prepare me for other Oracle exams too?

Yes, it will. This intermediate training covers exactly what you need for success on the 1Z0-071 and 1Z0-072 exams, which are necessary steps towards achieving the Oracle Database 12c R2 Administration Certified Associate certification.

Is there an option to try the course before I decide to fully commit to it?

Yes, there is. You can get access to this training and over 2,500 hours of on-demand content with the All Access Monthly Subscription. The best part? You can start today with a 7-day free trial with no obligation, and you can cancel anytime if it’s not your cup of tea.