[Not for beginners] By the end of this advanced multi-project accelerator course, learners will be able to design, implement, and manage complex DevOps architectures in real-world applications. Let your expert portfolio do the speaking in your next DevOps interview. 

Program Cost

$750 $1, 250 (Without internship)

$1,350 $1, 700 (With internship)

See more pricing options below

Course length

8 Weeks

Next Start Date

July 13, 2024

Schedule of Classes

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST

Sundays: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST

Learn with live instructors

Twice weekly in our core curriculum

Project-based learning

Build an impressive portfolio

Job assitance

Work with a career coach



Build highly complex CI/CD pipelines


Confidence in your DevOps skills


End-to-end full stack DevOps projects


A knack for problem-solving


Project management with automation


Highly advanced automation projects

A Simple Hello World Project won't get you a job

As a DevOps engineer, you are expected to already have experience by way of a job or a rich portfolio of projects. If you are struggling to land a DevOps job (despite answering all the right answers in interviews), the lack of a robust project portfolio is what is keeping you from landing your dream job. Let’s dive deep and make you a DevOps rockstar.

Project Curriculum

Project one: CI/CD utilizing Jenkins and Ansible to Deploy Java Applications to PROD and DEV server

1. Fork the main branch from Ansible
2. Create a multi-branch pipeline in Jenkins
in your folder: Name: ansible-tomcat-
a. Spin 2 AWS VMs (one for prod and
one for Dev) using ssh key
b. Create a pipeline to configure the
above VMs with Tomcat
c. Deploy hello-maven code to both
the VM (s)

Project two: Using Ansible to deploy a static Web application onto a remote server

1. Obtain the Sample Application
2. Create an Nginx conf file for the Server Block
3. Set up the Ansible-playbook on the Control Node
a. necessary packages like Nginx will be installed
b. Application files will be copied
c. The Custom Nginx conf file will be applied and enabled
d. Open Port 80 on UFW
e. Set up handlers for the Nginx service
4. Run the Playbook and use the server hostname or IP to access the Application.

Project three: Build A Java App and Deploy the Artifacts to JFROG Artifactory using Jenkins

1. Build and Test the Application Locally using Maven
2. Create Settings.xml in JFROG
3. Transfer the deploy distribution management from JFROG onto pom.xml
4. Create a Jenkinsfile for the CI/CD
5. Implement Static code analysis utilizing SonarQube
5. Run your Jenkins Pipeline Job and send artifacts to JFROG Artifactory.

Project four: Deploy LAMP Stack onto AWS EC2 using Ansible

1. Explain Architecture
2. Create a remote host/hosts
3. Create a remote user with sudo privileges
3. install ansible on control node
4. Set up Ansible Playbook and create the plays, tasks
5. Run the Playbook
6. Navigate to browser and check the application

Project five: Deploy LAMP stack onto Kubernetes Cluster

1. Explain the Architecture
2. Create Yaml Manifest files for the Stack
3. Create a Kubernetes Cluster (local/cloud)
4. Deploy the application and its services onto the Cluster
5) Perform Deployment, nodes, pods, services management using kubectl
6) Test the application stack
7) Clean up

Project six: Build a Node Js Application from scratch and deploy to Production

1. install Node JS
2. Initialise Application
3. Install Dependencies
4. Create an application file
5. Test the Application Locally.
6. Dockerize Application (Create Dockerfile --production)
7. Build and Push Image to a Docker Registry (e.g ECR, Dockerhub, DOCR)
8. Create a Kubernetes Manifest file for the Application
9. Create a Kubernetes Cluster (Cloud or locally)
10. Deploy the Application onto the Kubernetes Cluster
11) Test your deployed Application

Project seven: Build an online Boutique Java Microservice, Dockerize, and Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster

1. setup
2. clone application to the terminal
3. build the application using Maven,
4. Test the application locally
5. Dockerise each application stack
6. deploy the images to a public registry
7. Create a Cluster
8. Create a deployment and service manifest files for each service
9. Deploy the Microservice onto the Kubernetes cluster and test the Application.

Project eight: Automate the deployment of a Python application using Jenkins and Deploy to ECS

1. setup
2. clone application to local and test the application
3. Dockerize the Application
4. Create a Jenkinsfile for automating the build of the Python Image
5. Create a Pipeline Job in Jenkins
6. push the built image to amazon ECR
7. Create ECS cluster
8. Create task definition and Run Task
9. Test Application on Browser

Project nine: Deploy a mega Online Boutique microservice with 11 service onto AWS EKS

1. Explain The Microservice architecture
2. Clone application to Local Terminal
3. Create Kubernetes Cluster in any environment of choice
4. Deploy microservice manifest files unto Kubernetes Cluster
5. Perform Deployment, nodes, pods, services management using kubectl
6. Access your microservice on your browser.

Project ten: Use AWS Certificate Manager and Route 53 to secure your Application Domains

1. Explain the concept and Workflow
2. Have a ready domain either on aws or a different domain registry
2. Hands-on demo

Project eleven : Deploy a MERN Application to a Linux Server

1. Explain the Architecture
2. Test Application Locally
3. Set up Production Server
4. Push Application to Git
5. Clone Application onto Production Server
6. Set up Nginx web server and set up server block configurations
6. Run the Application after configuring the environment.

Project twelve: Deploy a Dockerized full-stack Application to AWS ec2

1. Explain Architecture (Docker, Mongo Atlas, AWS)
2. Test Application Locally
3. Dockerize the Application
4. Set up Production Server (Install Node, NPM, etc)
5. Push Application to Git
6. Clone Application onto Production Server
7. Set up compose file stack for the services
8. Run Application

Project thirteen: Deploy a MERN Application to Kubernetes Cluster

1. Explain Architecture
2. Test Application Locally
3. Dockerize the Application
4. Create a Kubernetes Cluster
5. Create Manifest files for the Services
6. Deploy application onto Kubernetes Cluster
7. Run Application

Project fourteen: Deploy a full-stack application to Kubernetes using Atlas Operator

1. Explain Architecture
2. Test Application Locally
3. Dockerize the Application
4. Create a Kubernetes Cluster
5. Create Manifest files for the Services
6. Deploy application onto Kubernetes Cluster
7. Set Atlas Operator
8. Deploy Custom resource definitions
7. Run Application

Project fifteen: Deploy Python Application using Helm and Kustomize

1. Explain Architecture
2. Dockerize the Application
3. Create Manifest files for the Services
4. Create a helm file and deploy your application using Helm
5. Configure your config files or services using Kustomize
6. Deploy application onto Kubernetes Cluster
7. Run Application

Project Sixteen: Deploy Node js App with Mongo DB and Mongo Express

1. Explain Architecture
2. Dockerize Node application
3. Create a stack of the application using compose
4. Bring up application and test
5. Bring down application
5. Create Deployments and Service manifests
6. Deploy Kubernetes Cluster using Terraform
7. Deploy application onto Cluster
8. Run application and Destroy resources

Project Seventeen: Deploy Application to ECS, Completely Automated using Jenkins and Terraform

1. Explain Architecture
2. Set up IAM Authentication and configure AWS CLI
3. Test application Locally
4. Dockerize Application
5. Create tf config files to provision your network and security resources (VPC,Subnets,ALB, SGs)
6. Create tf config files to Provision your deployment environment (ECR, ECS (EC2 or Fargate), Task Def, Task or Services)
7. Create Jenkinsfile for your application
8. Push code to Github
9. Create a Pipeline Job and Build the Job
10. Check Created Resources
11. Test Application
12. Destroy Architecture

Project Eighteen: Dockerize a React Application and Deploy To Production

1. Explain Architecture
2. Get application To Development Server
3. Bring up Application and Test Locally
4. Containerized The Application and serve it with a web server
5. Push the Containerized Application to a Docker Registry
6. Push Application to Kubernetes Cluster
7. Run Application
8. Clean up

Project Nineteen: Automate Provisioning of Cloud infrastructures Using Jenkins and Terraform

1. Explain the workflow
2. Set up Permissions and integration
3. Create config manifest files for the infrastructures to Provisioned
4. Get needed Plugins and manage toos configuration
5. Create a Jenkinsfile
6. Push Resources To Public Repo
7. Create a Pipeline Job and Run it
8. Confirm Provisioned Resources
9. Use Jenkins to Automate Destroying the entire infrastructure

Project Twenty: Use Helm and Deploy a Python Flask Application to Kubernetes plus tls/ssl for Ingress

1. Explain workflow
2. Create Helm template for the application
3. Create Kubernetes Cluster
4. Use Helm and Deploy the Application
5. use Helm to deploy ingress-controller onto the Cluster.
6. Deploy Ingress resources
7. Deploy Cert-manager and Configure tls/ssl for Ingress using Let's enscrypt
8. Test application using your secured dns

Project twenty-one: Deploy an Express App using AWS code Pipeline

1. Explain workflow
2. Set up
3. Transfer source code to workspace
4. Give an overview of the stack
5. bring up the stack of applications
6. Test and demo the application stack
7. Bring down Application

Project twenty two: Deploy a dockerized Monitoring stack

1. Explain workflow
2. Set up
3. Transfer source code to workspace
4. Give an overview of the stack
5. bring up the stack of applications
6. Test and demo the application stack
7. Bring down Application

Project twenty three: Automate Application Deployment to Kubernetes Cluster, using Jenkins and Infrastructure as code

1. Explain Architecture
2. Set up IAM Authentication and configure AWS CLI
3. Test application Locally
4. Dockerize Application
5. Create tf config files to Provision your deployment environment (ECR, EKS,VPC,SUBNETS,SG etc )
6. Create Jenkinsfile for you application
7. Push code to Github
8. Create a Pipeline Job and Build the Job
9. Check Created Resources
10. Test Application
11. Destroy Architecture

Project twenty four: Deploy your Resume as a web app to ECS using CloudFormation or Terraform

1. Explain workflow
2. Application source code walkthrough
3. Set up ECR repo
4. Build resume image
5. Push image to ECR
6. Create Cluster using CloudFormation Template or Terraform
7. Deploy Application onto ECS Cluster
8. Run Application
9. Bring down Infrastructure

Project twenty five: A mega Zero Human Touch full end-to-end Automated pipeline deployment of A React E-COMMERCE app utilizing gitOps Workflow (Github, Jenkins, Argocd e.t.c)

1. Explain Gitops workflow
2. Application and configuration code walk through (Two Repositories)
3. Set up workspace
4. Set up Tokens for Jenkins authentication with Github and Dockerhub
5. Create a Jenkins Build job that will trigger The Manifest update Job
6. Create a second Jenkins Build job to update the deployment manifest file
7. Create your Kubernetes Cluster
8. Run the Jenkins Build Job, This will also trigger the Manifest update job
9. Set up Argocd, by installing and Deploying ARGOCD manifest files onto your Kubernetes Cluster
10. Authenticate and Login onto Argocd UI
11. Deploy your Application from the ARGOCD UI or CLI
12. Set up Github webhook connection with Jenkins and update the application to start end-to-end automated deployment of your application, No Human Touch !!!
13. Deploy Monitoring and Visualization tools unto your Cluster (Prometheus and Grafana)
14. Bring down infrastructure

Project twenty six: Use Helm, Kustomize, Jenkins, gitOps (argocd) to automate your Python Flask deployment

1. Project Overview
2. Application source code walkthrough
3. convert k8s manifest files to helm
4. Kustomize set up
5. Set up Kubernetes Cluster
6. Set up Jenkins Pipeline to build and Push your Python flask Image to a registry
7. Install Argocd
8. Deploy your Python Flask Application using HELM
9. Deploy your Python Flask Application using KUSTOMIZE
10. Bring down infrastructure

Project twenty-seven : Deploy a Car shop Webapp to Production Cluster using gitOps i.e ARGOCD

1. Get application To Development Server
2. Bring up the Application and Test Locally
3. Containerized The Application and serve it with a web server (nginx)
4. Push the Containerized Application to a Docker Registry
5. Create a deployment and service files for the webapp
6. Push Application to Git
7. Set up deployment Cluster
8. install Argocd on Machine and on Cluster
9. Deploy the Application to Kubernetes Cluster via argo cli or ui
10. Run Application
11. Clean up

Project twenty eight: Deploy a PHP Doctor Appointment Booking app using MYSQL for database

1. Explain app Architecture
2. set up Prod Server
3. Get application stack source code to Prod Server
4. Set up Apache Web server
5. Set up Mysql Database
6. Connect application with Mysql
7. Configure application with Apache
8. Test the multi-tier application set up
9. Clean up

Project - twenty-nine : Deploy a a fullstack MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node) Event Posting App to Kubernetes

1. Explain set up
2. Clone source code to working environment
3. Test application Locally
4. Demo working of the Application
5. Containerize the Application and push to the registry
6. Deploy a Cluster
7. Create Kubernetes objects for the stack
8. Deploy your Containerised application onto the Cluster
9. Test and demo the working of your Application.
10. Clean up

Project thirty: Deploy a Fullstack Netflix Streaming platform Clone to Kubernetes

1. Explain app architecture
2. clone Application to workspace
3. connect application to Mongo DB atlas, set up all environments
4. Test Application locally
5. Create Dockerfiles for the app stack (API, ADMIN, CLIENT)
6. Build the images and push to ECR or Dockerhub
7. Set up Production deployment environment by Creating a Kubernetes Cluster
8. Create Kubernetes objects/manifests for the stack
9. Deploy the application to Production Cluster
10. Test the Application for proper working
11. recap
12. Bring down infrastructure

Project thirty-one: Deploy a Fullstack working Social media App to Production Cluster in Digital Ocean

1. Explain app architecture
2. clone Application to workspace
3. connect application to Mongo DB atlas, set up all environments
4. Test Application locally
5. Create Dockerfiles for the app stack (API, CLIENT)
6. Build the images and push to ECR or Dockerhub
7. Set up Production deployment environment by Creating a Kubernetes Cluster
8. Create Kubernetes objects/manifests for the stack
9. Deploy the application to Production Cluster
10. Test the Application for proper working
11. recap
12. Bring down infrastructure

BONUS - Career Hacking

Resume Crafting

3 Modules

Conducting Research for Job Descriptions

Creating Your Resume
Creating Additional Application Documents

Job Searching Strategies

4 Modules

Strategies for Effective Job Searching

Setting Up Your Job Alerts

Using Upwork for Your Job Search

Using The Forage for Project Work

5. Bonus: Creating Your Job Search Routine

LinkedIn Optimization

5 Modules

LinkedIn Research and SEO for Your Profile

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile 👩 💼

Using the Other Sections on Your LinkedIn Profile

4. How to Get Noticed by Recruiters on LinkedIn

5. Bonus: Privacy and Visibility Settings on LinkedIn


3 Modules

Reviewing LinkedIn Profiles Before Upcoming Interview

Answering Common Interview Questions

Answering Technical Questions + Asking Questions

4. Negotiating Salary Tips and Strategies

Networking + Messages

3 Modules

Networking with Mentors and referrals

Reaching out to Recruiters and Finding Phone Numbers

Networking with Hiring Managers

Employer Outreach

2 Modules

Finding and Using Emails for Follow-up

Following Up by Phone


Work one-on-one with our career services team to get placed in an internship role

and put everything you learn into practice in a real-world environment.


Why become a DevOps Engineer?

DevOps is the most in-demand job title

The need for qualified DevOps engineers is soaring. Indeed, industry-led market studies conducted over the past few years consistently reach the same conclusion: DevOps engineer is the most in-demand IT role at digitally-enabled companies.

Flexibility and enhanced benefits

The rewards for DevOps Engineers in terms of flexibility and remuneration are among the most lucrative in IT.

High salary for DevOps jobs

Per BuiltIn, The average salary for a DevOps Engineer in US is $133,017. The average additional cash compensation for a DevOps Engineer in US is $16,929. The average total compensation for a DevOps Engineer in US is $149,946. DevOps Engineer salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous DevOps Engineer employees in US.

Make a real business impact

One of the main drivers for DevOps Engineers is the opportunity to truly deliver tangible business outcomes within the role.

Multiple opportunities in the profession

With DevOps, the saying is true "there is room for everyone at the top." There are more DevOps opportunities than there are people to fill those positions.

Our Talents Work Here

IBT graduates achieve real career growth. You too can


of graduates get matched with companies as interns in 4-8 weeks


of our graduates accept regular offers the first 4-6 weeks after graduating


Find employment before graduating

Our talentstories

Learn the skills that companies are looking for and land a job that you will love. At IBT, we are outcome-driven. We train you for successful careers in tech.

Enrolling in this course was a career-defining decision; not only did I gain invaluable knowledge, but the guaranteed internship placement truly set me on a path to success.

Akin Arslan DevOps Engineer, BambiHealthdesw

Well enrolling in this course was an eye-opener to more recent DevOps tools, and techniques and also acted as a refreshment of my existing knowledge base.

Peter O DevOps Engineer, DUINX LLC

The course and the course instruction are very good. Concepts were structured and explained clearly. Projects were designed very well too. The internship option was part of the main reason I enrolled in the program and that is going very well too.

Nothando Ndlovu DevOps Engineer, Washington Technology Solutions

Enrolling in this course was the right decision I made.

Hamid Moussaoui DevOps Engineer, BambiHealth

IBT Training's DevOps course provided a comprehensive and insightful learning experience with valuable hands-on exercises. While the internship placement was beneficial, additional guidance could enhance the overall transition. Overall, IBT Training lays a solid foundation for entering the DevOps field.

Olatunde O Kubernetes Admin, Microsoft

Enrolling and completing this course has helped me to navigate the world of DevOps Engineering and the fact that they had guaranteed internship for every student makes it so awesome! The instructors came down to our level and were able to pass the message across

Philip Onyia DevOps Engineer, Visual Net Design


We offer flexible payment options tailored to your needs. Choose a plan that aligns with your budget, allowing you to focus on honing your skills without financial constraints.


Secure your spot in our in-demand DevOps course with a hassle-free upfront payment, and learn with peace of mind.


$1, 350 $1, 700

Sale ends on June 30, 2024

$1, 700 

After end of sale

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024

Pay in 4 With PayPal

Pay in 4 is an interest-free installment loan that lets you split your purchase into 4 payments, with the down payment due at the time of the transaction



Weekly / 6 Weeks


$1,450 in total payment

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024


Apply for a low-interest loan with Affirm and make small monthly payments. Subject to credit score



Per month | 24 months


$1771.17 total 

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024

Deferred Plan

Apply for deferred payment with our preferred partner Climb Credit and start paying for your program after completion. Subject to credit score.



Study now, Pay Later

$1,800 total

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024


Secure your spot in our in-demand DevOps course with a hassle-free upfront payment, and learn with peace of mind.


$750 $1,250

Sale ends on June 30, 2024)



After sale ends

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024

Paypal Pay in 4

Pay in 4 is an interest-free installment loan that lets you split your purchase into 4 payments, with the down payment due at the time of the transaction



Weekly | 6 weeks


$850 in total payment

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024


Apply for a low-interest loan with Affirm and make small monthly payments. Subject to credit score



Per month | 18 months


$944.87 total estimated

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024

Deferred Plan

Apply for deferred payment with our preferred partner Climb Credit and start paying for your program after completion. Subject to credit score.



study now, pay later


$1,000 loan amount

Bootcamp Start Date

July 13, 2024



Enroll in a program of your choice



Upon registration, a member of the admissions team will call you to determine fit for the program


Welcome to IBT, your learning journey begins, the first step into a career change

Not sure?Talk to our advisors

Our program advisors will answer any questions you have about the DevOps Engineer Industrial Training Program and what it’s like to learn with IBT Learning. They’ll also discuss your background, transferable skills, interests, career goals, and more.


    What are the prerequisites to take this course?

    It would be best if you had a DevOps, Cloud Engineering, or System Administration background to take this course. Your previous knowledge might be gained from self-study, boot camp, or on-the-job experience. This course is not for beginners but for DevOps engineers looking to build their project portfolio, gain the advanced skills and confidence needed to pass interviews, and break into the industry properly. For anyone without prior DevOps experience, we recommend our self-paced DevOps engineering course to prepare them for this advanced program. 

    How is this advanced course different from the DevOps Industrial Training?

    Our DevOps Industrial Training program is mainly designed for students with little to no IT experience. We take them through the fundamentals of programming before getting them into DevOps. The Advanced program is strictly hands-on and project-based

    Is there any certification provided upon completion of the course?

    Yes, upon successful completion of the DevOps Engineer Industrial Training course, participants will receive a certification recognizing their achievement. Students will also be equipped to take the AWS Solutions Architect and Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certifications.

    How does this course prepare me for real-world DevOps roles?

    The course is designed to simulate real-world DevOps scenarios, allowing you to develop practical skills that are directly applicable in industry settings. From collaborating with team members to automating deployment pipelines, you will gain hands-on experience to excel in DevOps roles.

    Will I receive a certificate upon completion?

    Yes, upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion that can be added to your resume or LinkedIn profile.

    Can I access course materials after completion for future reference?

    Yes, participants will have access to course materials, including presentations, documentation, and recorded sessions, for at least one year after course completion. This ensures that you can revisit and reinforce your learning as needed.

    How long are the intersnhsips?

    The internships will last for two to three months or longer, it varies from one employer to another

    Are the internships paid or unpaid?

    We do not guarantee a paid internship. We do this intentionally as access to opportunity to gain experience and build skills is the most vital component. Some hiring companies offer a stipend, which is facilitated between the HC and the intern directly. Of course, 1 in 4 are offered further employment, which is a bonus!