
CKA : Certified Kubernetes Administrator

This course covers crucial information for anyone taking the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. You will be walked through the exam process, where to find updated information about changes to the exam, and given some general test-taking tips. Since learning Kubernetes is a key skill for DevOps professionals, this makes demand high for such engineers.


With internship




Without internship



this course includes

5 Training Hours

105 On-demand Videos

Closed Captions

13 Topics

20 Prep Questions

Certificate of Completion



Course Overview


Kubernetes and Container Fundamentals


Kubernetes Installation


 Working with Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes


API Access and Commands


Running Pods and Deployments


Configuring Storage


Kubernetes Networking


Managing Security


Managing Kubernetes In the Enterprise


Kubernetes Monitoring and Troubleshooting


CKA Practice Exams


Course Closeout

Why Choose CKA Certification?

The CKA certification is a valuable credential for DevOps professionals and those aspiring to be Kubernetes administrators. With the CKA designation, you can demonstrate your ability to install, configure, and manage Kubernetes clusters. This CKA certification can significantly boost your career prospects, with job market opportunities for Certified Kubernetes Administrators averaging $140,000 to $200,000 annually.


Course Overview

1.1 Course Overview
1.2 Course PreReqs

Kubernetes and Container Fundamentals

2.1 Core Concepts
2.2 What is the CKA Exam
2.3 Why Get Certified
2.4 CKA Exam Domains
2.5 What is Kubernetes
2.6 What is a Container
2.7 What is Docker
2.8 Kubernetes Terminology
2.9 Kubernetes Components
2.10 Kubernetes Documentation
2.11 Whiteboard - Kubernetes Overview

Kubernetes Installation

3.1 Kubernetes Installation
3.2 Installation Options
3.3 MiniKube
3.4 Demo - Install Minikube
3.5 Demo - Clusters
3.6 Kubectl Basics
3.7 Demo - Install Kubectl

Working with Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes

- What is design?
- How to design with empathy?
- Laws of UX
- Steps of UX design:
● Information Archite 4.1 Working with Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes
4.2 Understanding the Architecture
4.3 Understanding the nodes
4.4 Core Objects
4.5 API
4.6 Create a Cluster
4.7 Demo - Create a Cluster
4.8 Demo - YAML
4.9 Demo - Nodes
4.10 Demo - Kubectl Client Configcture
● Journey Maps
● Feature Lists
● User Flows
● Elements of Design and how to use them? (Hamburgers,
dropdowns etc.)
● Sketches
● Low and High fidelity Wireframes

API Access and Commands

5.1 API Access and Commands
5.2 About the API
5.3 Accessing the APIs
5.4 Demo - Exploring APIS
5.5 Kubectl
5.6 Using YAML for API Objects
5.7 Using Curl
5.8 Labels and Annotations

Running Pods and Deployments

6.1 Running Pods and Deployments
6.2 Pods and Deployments
6.3 What is a Namespace
6.4 Scalability Options
6.5 Rolling Updates
6.6 Apply Changes to a Pod
6.7 Stateful Sets
6.8 Demo - Manage Deployments

Module 7: Configuring Storage

7.1 Configuring Storage
7.2 Storage options with Kubernetes
7.3 Configure Pod Volumes
7.4 Configure Persistent Volumes
7.5 Storage Classes
7.6 Whiteboard - Persistent Volumes
7.7 Demo - Configure Storage

Kubernetes Networking

8.1 Kubernetes Networking
8.2 Understanding Networking
8.3 Services
8.4 Network Plugins
8.5 DNS
8.6 Network Policies
8.7 Namespaces
8.8 Demo - Networking
8.9 Manage High Availability

Managing Security

9.1 Managing Security
9.2 Kubernetes Security
9.3 Container and Pod Security
9.4 Certificates
9.5 API Security
9.6 Configmaps and Secrets
9.7 Secure Images
9.8 Security Context
9.9 RBAC

Managing Kubernetes In the Enterprise

10.1 Managing Kubernetes In the Enterprise
10.2 Cluster Management and Maintenance
10.3 Demo - Scale Deployment
10.4 Demo - Restart Cluster
10.5 Demo - Add or Remove Nodes
10.6 Demo - Create a Pod in the Background
10.7 Kubelet Restarts and Drains
10.8 UI Dashboard
10.9 Demo - Describe Resources
10.10 Kube-scheduler
10.11 Demo - Set-Up Alias

Kubernetes Monitoring and Troubleshooting

11.1 Kubernetes Monitoring and Troubleshooting
11.2 Monitoring Resources
11.3 Monitoring Pods
11.4 Demo - Monitoring Pods
11.5 Logging
11.6 Demo - Logging
11.7 Troubleshooting
11.8 Affinity and Taints

CKA Practice Exams

12.1 CKA Practice Exams
12.2 Exam Preparation Must Know
12.3 Question 1 - Create a Cluster, Deploy Pods and a Deployment
12.4 Question 2 - Create a Pod and Verify
12.5 Question 3 - Create a Pod with a Secret
12.6 Question 4 - Get Logs on a Pod and Send to File
12.7 Question 5 - Liveness Probe
12.8 Question 6 - Use Labels
12.9 Additional Questions


13.1 Course Closeout
13.2 Course Review
13.3 Kubernetes Certifications
13.4 Additional Resources
13.5 Exam Readiness
13.6 Course Closeout

Why become a Cybersecurity Engineer?

Growing Demand for Cybersecurity Professionals

The field of cybersecurity is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the escalating number and complexity of cyber threats. Both public and private sectors are investing heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information and secure critical infrastructure. This increased investment has created a substantial demand for cybersecurity professionals, and the job market is teeming with opportunities. By becoming a cybersecurity engineer, you position yourself at the forefront of a booming industry with a multitude of career prospects.

Lucrative Salaries and Career Advancement

Cybersecurity professionals are highly sought after, and as a result, they enjoy attractive salaries and excellent benefits. The specialized skills and expertise required in this field command a premium in the job market. Furthermore, as you gain experience and demonstrate your capabilities, the potential for career advancement becomes significant. Cybersecurity engineers can progress to leadership positions, such as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and take on strategic roles in shaping an organization's security posture.

Global Relevance and Job Security

Cybersecurity is a global concern affecting organizations of all sizes and industries worldwide. The need for cybersecurity professionals extends beyond borders, making it a globally relevant field. By becoming a cybersecurity engineer, you equip yourself with skills that are in demand not only locally but also internationally. Job security in the field of cybersecurity is robust, as the increasing threat landscape ensures a constant need for skilled professionals to protect against attacks and mitigate risks.

Continuous Learning and Growth

The field of UX/UI design is dynamic and ever-evolving. To stay competitive, designers need to keep learning and adapting to new technologies and design trends. This continuous learning keeps the work interesting and provides opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Opportunities for growth

As software testers gain experience and develop their skills, they can take on more challenging roles and responsibilities. This can lead to promotions and career advancement opportunities. Most Manual testers progress to QA automation, Software development, DevOps, or Cloud Engineering.

Our Talents Work Here

Our talentstories

We connect learners with peers and experts from around the world, facilitating networking and collaboration opportunities.

IBT Training's DevOps course provided a comprehensive and insightful learning experience with valuable hands-on exercises. While the internship placement was beneficial, additional guidance could enhance the overall transition. Overall, IBT Training lays a solid foundation for entering the DevOps field.

Olaniyan Olatunde Kubernetes Admin, Microsoft

Enrolling in this course proved career-defining, offering invaluable knowledge and a guaranteed internship. It set me on a path to success, delivering everything promised—free certification, ongoing learning, and the ability to pass my sec+ on the first try.

Solomon Awuku Cybersecurity Analyst, Tek Computers

Upon completing the class, I felt confident and prepared to embark on a career in cybersecurity. The skills and knowledge I acquired have already proven invaluable, as I find myself better equipped to tackle real-world challenges and contribute to the protection of digital assets.


"IBT Learning is an outstanding tech school, with experienced teachers. Graduates gain hands-on experience with management tools such as Git, Maven, Nexus, SonarQube, Ansible, Docker for microservices, Kubernetes for container orchestration, and Terraform for Infras as Code"

Landric N DevOps Engineer, Transportation Insight

Your Questions, Answered

What is the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) course all about?

The CKA course is all about preparing you for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam. It provides crucial insights about the exam process, updates, and gives you some valuable test-taking tips. The course is highly relevant for DevOps professionals, given the high demand for skills in Kubernetes.

Why should I consider becoming a Certified Kubernetes Administrator?

If you’re a Kubernetes administrator, cloud administrator, or an IT professional managing Kubernetes instances, this certification is for you. Being a certified Kubernetes administrator demonstrates your ability to install, configure, and manage production-grade Kubernetes clusters. This can significantly boost your career, with job market opportunities for Certified Kubernetes Administrators averaging $140,000 to $200,000 annually.

What skills and knowledge do I gain from this course?

Our online course helps you understand essential Kubernetes concepts and commands. You’ll learn Docker Basics, and how to use Kubernetes for deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications. By the end of the course, you should be competent enough to take the CKA exam​.

What’s the format of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam?

The CKA exam is an online, proctored, performance-based test. It involves solving multiple tasks from a command line running Kubernetes within a time limit of 2 hours. The exam environment is aligned with the most recent minor version of Kubernetes, usually updated within 4 to 8 weeks of the Kubernetes release date.

Are there any prerequisites for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam?

No, there are no prerequisites for this exam. You can register and take the exam when you feel ready and confident in your Kubernetes skills.

What is the key benefit of the hands-on nature of the CKA exam?

The hands-on nature of the CKA exam showcases your ability to implement solutions, rather than just memorizing settings or facts. It provides a more accurate representation of your practical skills in managing Kubernetes instances​.